Using the Pomodoro technique

Wajeeha Rasheed
3 min readAug 17, 2020


The core process of the Pomodoro Technique consists of 6 steps and each step is taking you closer to overcome procrastination i must say!

The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the 1990s by Francesco Cirillo, a developer and entrepreneur. this technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have. Using this method i am sure we can break our workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are basically referred to as pomodoros. So i want to write this blog with so much excitement to be honest because i really enjoyed working while using this technique!

As this was my first time to use this technique if was a bit difficult. NOT THAT MUCH but i must say it was interesting so. It took 3.5 hours of mine including the breaks.

The task i wanted to accomplish was writing 2 blogs one on transgenders and the other on mental health issues and i had to one of my university teacher because she wanted to see how good i am in writing those so i had to give 200% in that.

It did helped me a lot in accomplishing then before because if i havnt use this technique it might had taken 2 days in writing those 2 blogs including all the distractions and breaks and rests etc..

Including all the distractions it took me like 3.5 hours max in writing this. i am surely going to use this technique in all tasks i get distracted alot plus to overcome procrastination.

one thing i dont want to repeat ever again is that i will pull off my phone notifications every time i am into this because the calls and texts distracted me alot.. also my brothers sitting outside the room their chit chats and laughter made my distracted a number of time so i am going to sit alone and far from the family next time and just the alarm ring will be turned on.

i am so glad that i am done with my task so quick using this technique, it really helped alot and i have planned on doing this again regularly.

in addition, i am also going to introduce this not so common techniques with my friends and family as this is really fun doing, interesting and does your work so quick. everybody i am sure will overcome procrastination through this and will do their work on time or maybe before then that like i did!

